Passionate about leveraging various modalities and mediums within the healing arts to support the expansion of both individual and universal consciousness; Vylana is a visionary sound alchemist who has dedicated her life to healing the collective as both an artist and a medicine woman.
Vylana could be called many things, but the descriptor she would be most proud of is permission slip. Permission for women and men to remember the full breadth and magic of their birthright. Permission to embrace this era of radical change and transformation. Permission to simply be, just as you are.
The key to Vylana’s mastery does not come from her voice alone, it rests in her embodiment.
The embodiment of the full expression of the heart, the body, the mind, and the spirit–leaving no shadow behind. Vylana credits her journey to embrace her shadow as the tantamount ingredients to her realization as a full-spectrum artist. In recognizing that there is no part of herself, no part of any man or any woman, that is not worthy of love, she can transmute the frequency of unconditionality of Love into her music, movement, and medicine.
Follow her journey and discover her gifts via website and Instagram.