New Earth Awakening Manifesto
In these times where humanity stands on the edge of total catastrophe, we must decide: should we continue with the old-world matrix of wars, greed, and total environmental destruction, which will eventually bring our civilisation and most of the life on Earth to an end, or should we awaken our inner wisdom, raise our collective consciousness, and embark on a new path toward a better future?
For us, there is no dilemma.
We choose love over hate, faith over fear, and cooperation over competition.
We believe in respecting one another and, most importantly, caring for our Earth – our Pacha Mama.
To truly thrive, we must cherish, celebrate, and protect her.
We envision a society where compassion and empathy replace conflict and competition, where acting towards the well-being of our planet is paramount, and where every individual is empowered to live a life filled with purpose and joy.
Our mission is to unite like-minded individuals and organisations, working together to create a world that is both sustainable and compassionate.
Through collaboration and shared strengths, we aim to create a global community that embodies values of Love, Compassion, Unity, Peace, Respect, Inclusion, Environmental Stewardship, and Life in Harmony in all areas – all of these being the primary drivers of meaningful change.
To achieve this, we are committed to building and supporting sustainable communities all around the world and connecting them into a fruitful network that will enable individuals and groups to flourish while adhering to the highest environmental standards.
We will promote knowledge and practices about environmental protection, enable creative exchange and cooperation between members, apply holistic living principles, and nurture personal and spiritual growth.
Through dialogue and collaboration, we will fully appreciate diverse cultures and groups.
We invite you to join us in this transformative journey.
Whether you support our initiatives or embrace these values in your daily life, your involvement is essential.
We believe that only united we can develop creative and sustainable responses to global challenges.
Together, we can create a new reality that honours all life on Earth. Let us unite in love, respect, and cooperation to awaken a new era for humanity and our planet.
Let’s Awake a New Earth Together!!!