Ada Divine Awakening Festival, with this year’s theme “Live Your Purpose, once again brought a multi-day educational, ecstatic, and transformative journey to visitors from over 40 countries worldwide. Powerful impressions and incredible experiences continue coming in like unique love letters. “This was the event of the year on a planetary level,” “There are no words to describe that magic,” “I found love for myself,” “I feel alive like never before,” “My heart is so open and full of love,” “I have realized the beauty of intimacy, connection, and freedom,” “So many beautiful souls and friends” are just some of the impressions after six days on the magical Ada Bojana, all merging into a common guiding thought – it is time to be the change we want to see in the world!
Xavier de Forceville, Devi Mohan, Jadranka Petrović, Chelsey Huntsman, Daya Padmani, Kristina Bekvalac, Katarina Bogićević Kejt, and many other facilitators and visitors expressed their gratitude to the festival, the community it gathers, and Ada Bojana, sharing their impressions and paths they went through during six days of intensive workshops, lectures, and healing concerts of conscious music with the aim of self-discovery and reaching full potential and purpose. Life coach and motivator Jadranka Petrović shared her emotional experience: “I have experienced so much love this week that I am going home with three hearts. We are returning home, each to their side of the world, carrying and sharing the energy of peace, harmony, serenity, and love. Spreading that vibration that we all need. As far as I am personally concerned, this was the event of the year on a planetary level. Every smile, every tear, every word, every hug remains forever engraved in my DNA. The fire of love and life energy that we co-created forever burns in my blood.”
“Rarely can I say that an event and experience cannot be described in words. The experience at Ada at the festival cannot. On her Instagram account, “it can only be felt with the heart and soul,” wrote Kristina Bekvalac, a well-known personality now a regular participant in this unique festival. Popular singer-songwriter Katarina Bogićević Kejt also shared her impressions: “I found LOVE FOR MYSELF that I often forget because I live a fast-paced life. This place and these people have changed my life. (I learned) to give my music and art, to set boundaries, to spread positivity, to love, to embrace, and to respect.”
Healer and conscious dance facilitator Devi Mohan held a workshop on conscious dancing at the Ada Divine Awakening Festival with over 400 people participating, complemented by the singing of Jelena Fassbender and Natalija Mejandžijeva. “It was so liberating and fulfilling. The energy was unbelievably high; we felt it echoing across Mother Earth,” shared Devi, while Kundalini yoga facilitator and expert Daya Padmani emphasized that she “most profoundly experienced the beauty of intimacy, connection, and freedom at the ADA festival.”
Gratitude to the festival community for contributing to the spread of love and healing was also expressed by sound healer and facilitator Lava, as well as a holistic therapist specializing in sacred sexuality, Mayara Asis: “It is extremely important for me to have the opportunity to gather with wonderful people, connect with Mother Earth, share my gifts, learn, grow, cry, laugh, and have fun. I am grateful that the Ada Divine Awakening festival provides all that and much more.” Facilitator Chelsey Huntsman also shared her impressions: “We believed in the vision, the energy and mystery. We knew we were there for a reason. There are no words to describe that magic!”
Although the festival brought together hundreds of visitors from all corners of the planet, it left a strong impression on the local community. This is confirmed by the owner of Etno Selo Montenegro, Mićo Blagojević, who emphasized the significance of such gatherings of people from the former Yugoslavia and stated that ADA is a “parameter of how an event organization in Montenegro should look like.” “The first event where people gathered from all continents, virtuosos, spiritual leaders, life motivators, ordinary and extraordinary people. Everyone showed their customs, prayers, and respect for the universe and cosmos,” wrote Blagojević.
“ADA will become a global network of living sanctuaries and educational centres where people can live in harmony with nature and with each other,” concluded Xavier de Forceville, one of the leading facilitators in the field of consciousness and intimacy, predicting that Ada Divine Awakening will become a global movement by awakening everyone to what they truly are.
The next edition of Ada Divine Awakening Festival will be held from September 13 to 18, 2024, and six-day ticket and accommodation packages can already be found starting from €329 via page.