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ADA diary; first hand experience from the Festival

By 01.06.2022June 23rd, 2023No Comments
ADA naslovna

Have you ever gone through a life-changing experience you wanted to remember forever in tiniest details?
A good way to do that is to have a journal and write everything down so you can relive the powerful emotions at any time!

That’s what Teodora Vujnović did while experiencing Ada Divine Awakening Festival as a participant.

Later on, as she continually expressed her love for the Festival – she became a team member!
In a casual conversation, she brought up that she had been writing down everything that was meaningful for her at a time.
We asked her if she would share any part of it with the tribe, and she enthusiastically agreed!

Enjoy the real-life first hand experience of Ada Divine Awakening Festival:

Beginning of my Divine transformation

Before I even heard about Ada Divine Awakening Festival- I felt that something big is coming my way. I felt like one part of my life was coming to an end, and another one is ready to begin. When I heard about this mystical event- I instantly felt I was already a part of it and I have to be there.

On my way to the Festival

As I was sitting in the bus, on a 10 hour drive, I started feeling the freedom like I have never felt before. There was a magnetic pull towards my unique path leading me to the change that is about to take place. I felt deeply supported and guided, and a little scared in the best possible way.

Introduction to the Sacred Land of Ada

There I was. I felt super excited and also completely relaxed at the same time. The fear of the unknown was there, although quickly fading away as other participants and part of the ADA team walked past me in a way I have never experienced before. They were so present and aware. Full of love, acceptance, peace. Every person I made eye contact with sent me a sign that I’m safe. These are my people. I don’t know anyone and yet I feel like I know everyone. There was nothing I could do except surrender to the immense beauty nurturing my Soul.

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Festival started slowly as each participant arrived, settled into beautiful beach accommodation and came to the main Temple where the whole tribe was gathering for the introduction and the first event.
People started coming together and watching the sunset in silence.
It all looked like a scene from the movie where people finally arrived in Heaven.
Each face my eyes stumbled upon had a story I immediately fell in love with.
This moment, when 200+ people were standing on the beach watching the sunset in a silent meditative state- was what I had to witness. It started at that moment, and hasn’t finished yet.
Unsaid, yet so clearly stated- these are the people bringing the change this Planet has been waiting for.
Full of love, light, understanding, consciousness, radiance and aliveness.
I knew what my part was there. Unlocking my fullest potential in order to serve the world in whichever way I can.

Following days of deep diving and liberation

The knowledge I had access to through Incredible facilitators and their workshops and lectures WAS out of this world. I always wanted to believe there was something more to life we haven’t been taught. I knew there is immense power inside every being ready to be activated at any moment with the right tools. I knew we were born to feel, express, dance, celebrate, love, expand in the most magnificent ways possible. And there it was all right in front of me.

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The whole experience was like an activation of your inner God/Goddess. It was a complete metamorphosis.
You come as you, and leave as You/God
And there is no going back. The journey began. Yours is only to follow the inner guidance you now hear so clearly.

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If your path leads you to ADA, you’re ready. It’s your time to break the matrix, otherwise you wouldn’t have been called. Make sure to come with an open heart, it will get the nourishment of its life.